Latest look at Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Mar 09, 2023 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction - March 8 2023
Posted: Thursday March 9, 2023 9:41am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Here is the latest look at the progress on the former Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom as it is transformed into Tiana's Bayou Adventure.

Scaffolding is in position throughout the mountain for crews to access different areas of the structure.

As we have seen at the bottom of the main drop, sections of the mountain's rockwork are marked off, likely to be cut into.

The signage and characters have been removed at the former main entrance to Splash Mountain.

In the splash-down run-off, work continues on the guide track.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure will open at Magic Kingdom in late 2024.

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mickEblu2 minutes ago

No name calling on my end. But it’s clear as day what’s he’s doing. He wants so badly to appear fair and neutral that he pounces on any opportunity to win favor from those that that may consider him a “Splash Mountain loyalist” with over the top opposition to anything post he can oppose within reason. This is all so when inevitably the day comes where he rides TBA and comes out and says Splash Mountain was better he can say “but you see I was fair.” In other words, he’s being a politician. But I see right through it.

mickEblu10 minutes ago

Obviously if Facilier was there it would be even better but all you really need is some projections of the shadows and instrumental of friends on the other side. Not sure how that would be offensive to anyone.

TheCoasterNerd20 minutes ago

The countdown to when The Mom comes in and reminds us, yet again, to stop fighting, and the posts all delete without a trace? I knew it had some meaning!

imagineer9742 minutes ago

@mickEblu @MerlinTheGoat I don't see the point in resorting to name calling. I get along just fine with both of you despite some disagreements. What we need is to sit down with some Tiana's Peaceable Gumbo, which actually won her the Nobel Prize in 1939 when she successfully averted World War II by feeding all of the world leaders. That was when she opened the Tiana's Foods satellite office in Tokyo 👀 .

mergatroid1 hour ago

Looks magnificent to me (it's subjective though obviously)

LittleBuford1 hour ago

I agree with pretty much all of this! I’m still hopeful that some of Facilier’s friends may precede Mama Odie before the final drop, adding a bit of suspense before she comes to our rescue.

Ghost931 hour ago

I'm of the mindset where I generally support moving away from the Song of the South theme and think the Princess and the Frog was the perfect IP to replace it with, but that the utilization of that IP has been a mixed bag. I think the nighttime look of Tiana's Bayou Adventure is incredible, that the animatronics are impressive and the actual bayou sections of the ride look like a fun time. However, I think the co-op backstory is needlessly complicated and out of place for both the ride and the Magic Kingdom as a whole and that the exterior should have had the tree top and Mama Odie's boat at the top as featured in the original concept art for the retheme. I also think the lack of Dr. Facillier and his friends on the other side is a huge missed opportunity, robbing the attraction of suspenseful elements. Overall I'm generally excited for the new ride, but thus far I haven't agreed with every creative choice made.

mickEblu1 hour ago

Lol wow miserable weirdo? You must still be mad that I called you out the last time you had an over the top response to one of my opinions about an inanimate object on a theme park ride. But miserable weirdo? I’ve certainly been put on timeout (for months) for much much less. Curious to see what the mods do here. And if you had any basic reading comprehension skills or perhaps read it in context you’d be able to understand the nuance in that post.

MerlinTheGoat1 hour ago

I actually think the blue tones on BTM were either absent or much more subdued back in the pre-2000s era. But either way, that's still nowhere near as blue as Tiana. Again referring back to the concept render, the lighting near the top used more warm white and green colors. Blue highlights were much more subtle.

MerlinTheGoat1 hour ago

Ironically one of the rare occasions that a criticism about this ride was so nonsensical that it was actually able to be debunked with objective facts due to the way it was framed. It doesn't take any effort to find things wrong with this attraction, it's riddled with them. But as you've demonstrated, there are indeed miserable weirdos who WANT the ride to be terrible- I have a very strong feeling that this ride will be disappointing compared to what preceded it. But even for me, actually WANTING it to be bad is insane and foolish.

JoeCamel2 hours ago

He has been hired by Disney and now makes announcements that there will be an announcement --- RIP Drew

TheCoasterNerd2 hours ago

What does this mean 👀

mickEblu2 hours ago

Sure at first. But eventually they just drop the ball.