Shade Structure Added to New EPCOT World Celebration Flex Space

25 days ago in "EPCOT"

Rose Walk area construction - May 23, 2024
Posted: Thursday May 23, 2024 10:00am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Construction continues on EPCOT''s new flex space along the former rose walk with the addition of support columns for a shade structure.

On the ground, the concrete is complete, and work is wrapping on the landscaping.

The area is expected to become home to more Festival kiosks and events.

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TrainsOfDisney1 minute ago

You summed this up really well. They did a great job at the entrance, removing the legacy tiles and bringing back the crystal and the flags - they needed to continue that on the backside of the park as well! Removing the fountain of nations is the biggest mistake - right there we should have known this would be 100% wrong.

wbostic124 minutes ago

Personally, I’m imagining that I’m about to board a flight to Pittsburgh.

mightynine17 minutes ago

If you can dream it, CommuniCore Hall can do it… the future of this gathering and event space is limited only by the boundaries of imagination. We’re all about the magic of possibilities here at EPCOT, and our imaginations are pretty spectacular. If CommuniCore Hall is an example of their boundless imagination - yikes

Virtual Toad21 minutes ago

Saw all the changes with walls down in person this weekend and the new hub is just... strange. It felt lifeless, claustrophobic and closed in during the day. Too hot and barren, even with all the trees. The old hub, with its wider vistas, grace, symmetry and kinetics (provided by the fountain and excited guests headed off in different directions) built anticipation and excitement. The new hub felt to us like a competent city park or downtown core redevelopment, well-intentioned but value engineered and lacking true inspiration or excitement. Communicore Hall had interesting architectural "add-ons" in the form of the triangles, but aside from the facade, it's a fairly cookie-cutter building. The stage was... there, and the concert was... also there? Too hot to enjoy much of this and the choice of entertainment seemed a total mismatch for the area or theme of the building. The inside of Communicore Hall is... a lifeless wasted effort. It really did look like a hospital waiting room, community college student union or a local rec center activity area but nothing more. It's not even large enough to really do anything with so... why did they bother? A waste of time and resources for something that could and should have been more. At night, the hub did seem more expansive due to the interior and exterior lighting on the surrounding structures providing an illusion of depth. The central planter lighting was... okay. Still not fully functional and definitely value-engineered. The white plastic covering the in-ground LED lights was already scuffed, worn and molding underneath in several spots. I fear this area will not age well. A couple of additional thoughts. Journey of Water seemed popular but claustrophobic and again, woefully out of place. Incongruous. A wonderful diversion at Animal Kingdom but not in the heart of Epcot. And that seems to be the biggest takeaway from the entire re-do. As the gateway to the lands and attractions beyond, the reimagining of Epcot's hub should excite, inspire, build anticipation and provide a clear set of choices. We found it closed in, lifeless, discordant, disorienting, insufficiently inspirational and completely lacking charm. At the end of the day, the two biggest sins are the lack of a water feature and the destruction of Comminicore West and the grandeur, grace and symmetry it provided. Why engage in the wholesale destruction of classic architecture when a reskin would have been far less expensive, more fiscally responsible to shareholders, less disruptive to guests, and less destructive to the park? What remains is a feeling of lost opportunity and a questioning of the company's leadership, vision and priorities. More than a half decade and untold millions for... something I guess. What was gained and/or lost in the process is open to debate, but I have to wonder--would it have been wiser to simply spend a modest amount of time and money on a less-destructive refresh of the hub, building on its inherent strengths without throwing out the baby with the bathwater? What if Disney had, instead, spent just a portion of all that time and money restoring and refreshing Journey Into Imagination and Spaceship Earth?

Cmdr_Crimson2 hours ago

They finally had enough Target Rewards points since the D23 expo collab announcement to get them...

mightynine2 hours ago

“Boss, I found a great deal on this Temu thing”

CntrlFlPete3 hours ago

I feel like they must have gotten a deal on plain white umbrellas!

peter1143514 hours ago

To be fair the entrance hasn’t been set up this way for decades. The route guests took from the bus stops to the park for decades is now exit only.

"El Gran Magnifico"17 hours ago

They may as well create a sign like this. Let the guest choose.

TrainsOfDisney18 hours ago

World Showplace is often rented out for big corporate events.

HauntedMansionFLA18 hours ago

The park stopped having big events in this space like Party of the Senses a few years back. It used to be a big money maker when an outside vendor paid/sponsored for the food/drinks. Once that sponsor backed out, PotS lost money and they did away with it. Just like the cupcake parties Epcot use to have in the past. If it doesn’t have a bunch g return on investment, they have walked away from it. worldShowPlace would be perfect for a big attraction. Lots of space back there.

Moth19 hours ago

Just got reminded of this. Did we ever figure out what this is?

tparris19 hours ago

Well if that’s the case, they failed because there are still a few segments not working