Walt Disney World Updates DAS Policy Wording: How It May Affect Disability Access

16 days ago in "Disability Access Service Card - DAS"

Posted: Tuesday January 28, 2025 7:15am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Overnight, Walt Disney World quietly made a notable change to the wording of its Disability Access Service (DAS) policy. The updated policy no longer includes the word "only" in the "What to Know About DAS" opening paragraph.

Previous wording:
"DAS is intended to accommodate only those Guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time."

Updated wording (January 28, 2025):
"DAS is intended to accommodate those Guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time."

This seemingly small adjustment raises questions about its implications for how Disney defines eligibility for DAS and its impact on guests.

The Significance of Dropping "Only"

The removal of the word "only" may soften the exclusivity implied in the previous wording. By doing so, Disney could slightly broaden how it interprets eligibility for DAS. While the policy still emphasizes developmental disabilities like autism as the core criteria, the absence of "only" could be interpreted as leaving room for other similar conditions that may not fit traditional definitions but still meet the intent of the service.

This shift may also indicate an effort by Disney to avoid legal or interpretative limitations tied to the term "only," ensuring that the policy language is more inclusive and adaptable. However, no official statement has been made to clarify whether the change reflects a broader operational adjustment or is simply a refinement in wording.

What It May Mean for Guests

Removing "only" could allow Cast Members greater discretion in determining eligibility for DAS during the video chat registration process. This might benefit guests with non-traditional or less-common disabilities.

The previous wording may have inadvertently discouraged some eligible guests from applying, believing they did not meet the strict criteria. The updated language might encourage those who need DAS to register.

What Hasn't Changed

It's important to note that no other changes have been made to the DAS policy. Guests must still register via live video chat and meet the criteria determined by Disney's Cast Members. The primary purpose of DAS remains unchanged: to assist guests who cannot wait in traditional queues due to a developmental disability or similar condition.

Final Thoughts

While Disney has not provided further clarification on this wording change, it could have implications for how DAS is administered. For now, the impact will depend largely on how Cast Members interpret the updated language during the registration process. Guests relying on DAS should continue to provide a clear explanation of their needs to ensure smooth registration.

How to Register for DAS at Walt Disney World

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Splash4eva8 hours ago

There is a reason why they dont wanna go public with it but imo when it works and allowed it is better in many cases…

ConfettiCupcake10 hours ago

I think I could pretty easily guess what to say to trigger the accommodation that is intended for solo adults & solo adults + child(ren) and what that accommodation is, just as I don’t think it’s that hard to figure out what to say to qualify for DAS even after the changes. I truly think most people are not willing to lie for both of those things, and that the ‘people were sharing the script to get DAS online’ narrative was an easy scapegoat when the change was done to get a bulk of legitimate users out of the system. I still think that’s true, and that those who are willing to lie have probably been quietly doing it since the change happened just as they were before, and it’ll take a lot more than that to truly ruin it for those who legitimately need it.

Jrb197910 hours ago

I agree it's much better and the DAS portion isn't the problem now. It's the alternative options that now are the problem. I haven't looked at how the solo option works but the fact people are cheating the system to use it means it's a better alternative than paying for LLs. For my point of view the alternative options should be helpful for those who need it but not better than buying LLMP if that makes sense

jaklgreen10 hours ago

Well, I think that this is something that most people could figure out themselves. I think that it was even talked about months ago, how people would figure this out and lie. There will always be those who try to cheat the system. Shame that it is the people that truly need it that have to deal with the fallout.

Splash4eva10 hours ago

Listen. We can debate this all we want. Im pretty sure the “cheaters” have been semi weeded out. Bottom line you are never getting to zero. Renaming does nothing & rules have changed as well. As a DAS user yes is it a “benefit” but for those who need it and still qualify there are reason for that and the benefits at times do equal out. The changes have definitely helped take away some of the “advantages”. The 10 minute wait. The basic hard cap unless its immediate family for party size. Removing the 2 pre books they were giving away like candy. I know people are adamant about no allowing to double dip but no way Disney is going to risk losing that revenue and im genuinely curious how many DAS are buying Genie as well granted i always did it and i know others here have said they have as well but most seem not too… a couple other suggestions ive made is only allowing people to ride something X amount of times or a re ride of has to come X amount of hours later. Again i know it can be a legal battle but again aa a DAS user this to me is a major benefit. Also tapping in being able to book a ride asap is another slight advantage bc lets face it. Probably takes a solid 10 minutes to get anywhere so they can maybe change that and to me the biggest is booking a ride while eating breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks but in theory how are you stopping that? Its impossible. So to me Disney has done a pretty good job in “restricting” things without taking away a persons ability who needs DAS away

Chip Chipperson11 hours ago

Ironic that the "DAS Sefenders" will be the ones who eventually kill DAS.

Jrb197911 hours ago

I agree they should abide by the rules but we all know it will never happen. DAS itself is fine since the change. It's the alternative options that seem to be the problem now.

jennab5511 hours ago

Ahh got it. I misunderstood your intent. Still though, people should just abide by the rules and stop cheating the system. The alternative is to get rid of DAS completely, which I’m sure many would be happy with.

Jrb197911 hours ago

That's not what I said at all. I said people lie and cheat mainly cause the system is set up in a way that makes it better that LLMP.

jennab5512 hours ago

Absolutely not. People are responsible for their unethical behavior, not Disney. People are choosing to lie and cheat.

Jrb197912 hours ago

I agree. At the same time Disney does this to themselves by making these benefits have too much of a benefit to use them.

jennab5512 hours ago

Agreed, but that doesn’t give the right to that group to tell people how to get around the rules Disney created. It’s gross. I’d say the same as the people who tell others to pretend their 3yr old is 2yrs old.

Jrb197912 hours ago

IMO DAS should have scrapped altogether and rebuilt under a different name and with different rules.

jennab5512 hours ago

Ugh, that group is despicable. Would be nice if they got shut down for essentially telling people how to lie to get what they want.