Behind-the-Scenes Look at Zootopia: Better Zoogether! - Coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom in Winter 2025

12 days ago in "Zootopia: Better Zoogether"

Posted: Monday February 3, 2025 12:18pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney is giving fans a first look at Zootopia: Better Zoogether!, the newest show coming to the Tree of Life Theater at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. A behind-the-scenes video featuring actress Ginnifer Goodwin, the voice of Judy Hopps, offers a sneak peek into the making of this all-new show.

Set to debut in winter 2025, Zootopia: Better Zoogether! will bring guests on an adventure through the distinct biomes of Zootopia, just like in the animated film. The show will feature beloved characters including Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, and their friends, with an all-new story created specifically for Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

It’s Tough to be a Bug, the current attraction inside the Tree of Life Theater, is confirmed to close on March 17, 2025.

Watch the behind-the-scenes video with Ginnifer Goodwin below:

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TarzanForever3 days ago

Yea but we need to see the results first before we can say things like that. Disney is for sure finalizing plans. Laugh floor will not be what is in discussion.

JackCH3 days ago

Yeah, I would be absolutely shocked if either show was better or even equal to their predecessors. I'm just praying they are at least decent lol.

jmuboy3 days ago

I do not think the Muppet Vision Replacement will be 3D. I know very little info is out in public yet 9and maybe Disney is still finalizing plans themselves). I honestly think the 2nd attraction / show in the Monsters area its going to be some sort of re-tooling of the Laugh Floor concept placed in a theater that looks alot like a Muppet Theater.

Casper Gutman3 days ago

The elephant in the room seems to be that, through a combination of stifling management philosophy and a simple lack of talent, Disney World’s script writing has been absolutely miserable for a long time. GoG is an incoherent embarrassment, Tiana is written at a preschool level, the Bears redo is totally devoid of humor and characterization, FoP preshow is the subject of near-universal mockery, etc. I don’t see any reason to believe WDW is capable of producing not one but two quality 4D shows (one of which is replacing one of the best written attractions in the resort’s history).

TheMaxRebo3 days ago

I think a slight benefit as right now not many people do ITTBAB and often don't even realize they are passing the entrance This will be more of a destination, at least while it is new .... not saying will have huge waits but at least *some wait* at a minimum it will get more people to check it out and appreciate the detail in the queue area/base (roots) of the Tree of Life

Brer Panther3 days ago

You mean Zoo-boomafoo?

Agent H3 days ago

I don’t suspect it will move the needle much either

The Leader of the Club3 days ago

I feel like it won’t be either. Probably won’t be a WDI masterpiece that you have to do every time you walk into the park, but it’ll probably be a big hit with families and give them a more positive experience than ITTBAB currently does.

JEANYLASER3 days ago

I don't know if the attraction will be good or fail for Disney's Animal Kingdom.

MisterPenguin3 days ago

I really wish people would stop engaging. Of course, I'm talking about how much I hate Valentines Day this Friday. That's all I mean. Those continuing to engage don't come out looking too... shall we say... charming.

TarzanForever3 days ago

Time will tell. Exactly!!!! I don’t know about all that but you are on the right track

danlb_20003 days ago

Sounds legit. ;)

AidenRodriguez7313 days ago

You haven't heard? It's all not happening now! Disney has decided to retheme Test Track to Villians Test Track (featuring Cruella De Vil, Little Mermaid to Test Track: The Musical, and the Villians Show to The Little Mermaid: Ursula's Curse.

AidenRodriguez7313 days ago

I find it really funny that apparently Disney who JUST released more information on this attraction also quitely decided to cut it despite (presumably) it already being filmed and most work already being done.