Disney Shares New Story Details and Concept Art for 'Disney Villains: Unfairly Ever After' at Hollywood Studios

24 days ago in "Disney Villains Unfairly Ever After"

Villains Show concept art
Posted: Saturday January 18, 2025 10:46am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney has unveiled new concept art for Disney Villains: Unfairly Ever After, the upcoming live show set to debut this summer at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The artwork offers a glimpse into the dramatic and immersive world being brought to life on the Sunset Showcase stage.

The new art showcases the Magic Mirror's mysterious realm, where iconic villains like Cruella de Vil, Captain Hook, and Maleficent will take center stage to tell their side of the story. In the finale, the audience will play a role in determining whether these misunderstood villains can win over the crowd.

A team of designers has been working on the show's stage design for nearly two years. The goal is to create an immersive experience complete with thrilling effects, dynamic live musical numbers, and a captivating narrative. According to Disney, the show will strike a perfect balance between drama, humor, and iconic Disney magic.

Stay tuned for more updates as Disney releases additional details and sneak peeks leading up to the show's summer 2025 debut.

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Agent H17 hours ago

So do we think there will be passholder previews for this?

MisterPenguin8 days ago

Disney definitely is competing. But they couldn't have started the 'catch up' until recently because they didn't have the free cash to do so. There was COVID. Then they made investing in streaming their top priority (and when you look at the sorry state of NBC and CBS streaming... they made the right decision). Part of that was buying out Comcast from Hulu. Now that streaming is net positive, Disney is dropping $60B over 10 years on Entertainment and Experiences (which includes cruise ships). And a promise to spend $17B in WDW. So, yes, Disney is competing, but, they had priorities above the parks for a while. Entertainment is something they can throw together in a year, compared to E-Ticket rides that take 2-3 years. So, they're dropping new entertainment on us.

Gusey8 days ago

As much as Disney doesn't want to be seen as competing with Epic Universe, any new offerings opening around that time period will be seen as competing. If people are already combining Universal and Disney, it'll be a bonus to have those shows open at the same time as Epic. I can see them trying to open those shows at the same time as reopening Test Track and the new parade to package them as the new things for 2025. Either way, the new Disney entertainment, Disneyland's 70th anniversary, the last days of Muppets Courtyard and Epic Universe opening, May/June will be busy months for Park Fans

Agent H8 days ago

Me if dr. Doof appeared in the show

Gusey14 days ago

Oh, saw Cars Meet and Greet and thought it was their most recent location. They sure have gone to a lot of areas of that park

Gusey14 days ago

Are these the Cars meet and greets outside where Lightning McQueen was? I was expecting them to remove them, not reuse them. Villain meet and greets?

ToTBellHop16 days ago

Or if she wanted to kill dogs not for their fur but for their delicious spare ribs and loins?

Agent H16 days ago

I feel like I should clarify my position when it comes to this the animated cruella and the other live action version are supposed to be unforgivable the one in cruella is not if they ever get around to making the sequel I imagine it will be a twisted retelling of 101 Dalmatians where cruella will be shown to appear more reasonable.

Cliff16 days ago

Oh yes. What you say has been happening for thousands of years. The history books have hundreds of big-name villains who people thought were perfectly reasonable. I don't see this changing. It must be in our DNA??

ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ16 days ago

aka Microsoft Edge

Agent H16 days ago

You know I always thought even as a kid that there’s probably someone like cruella in the world and someone probably considers them reasonable

Cliff16 days ago

Y'know,...you bring up a very good point. Maybe we "all" have some "Cruella" inside of us??