Walt Disney World Railroad Downtime Expected as New Cars-Themed Attractions Begin Construction

Aug 14, 2024 in "Cars Land Magic Kingdom"

Frontierland Concept Art Aerial View
Posted: Wednesday August 14, 2024 11:55am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Walt Disney World Railroad at Magic Kingdom may once again experience a significant period of downtime in the coming years, as major changes are planned for the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island areas, including the construction of two new Cars-themed attractions.

Similar to the extended closure during the construction of TRON Lightcycle Run, the railroad is likely to be impacted by the extensive construction zone that will emerge as the new attractions take shape.

Earlier this week, Disney confirmed that the new Cars-themed area will be built directly on top of Tom Sawyer Island and Rivers of America - both of which are inside the railroad track.

In the short term, starting in 2025, according to newly submitted permits, the railroad's tracks will be positioned between the construction staging area and the actual construction site on Tom Sawyer Island and the Rivers of America. The railroad is expected to be taken out of service to allow for the movement of vehicles and materials across the tracks.

Looking further ahead, the development of Villains Land will also affect the railroad's operations. As with the Cars-themed attractions, construction access and potential rerouting of the tracks may be necessary to accommodate the new land. However, details about the location and layout of Villains Land are not yet available, so it remains unclear how the railroad's path might be altered.

The Walt Disney World Railroad was closed for four years during the TRON Lightcycle Run construction project. During that time, the trains were available to board as a static exhibit, first at the Main Street U.S.A. station and then later at the Fantasyland station.

We do not yet have any confirmed construction timelines for either Cars or the new Villains Land, but we expect both projects to be completed by 2030, with Cars opening first.

Disney has yet to announce any operational changes to the Walt Disney World railroad due to upcoming construction.

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jemmayareli32 minutes ago

It’s concerning to hear about Disney's budget issues with their recent projects. When costs spiral out of control and the final result is seen as underwhelming, it’s a clear sign of serious planning and estimation problems. If the new Epcot developments were as costly and disappointing as reported, it’s understandable why there’s frustration. Let’s hope they address these issues and improve their project management moving forward.

Moth13 hours ago


Cliff14 hours ago

I hope that the "powers that be" will require a comprehensive and FULLY extensive environmental impact study on this project "before" any destruction is done to the "The Rivers of America". I'm also expecting a complete flood mitigation and water management study and survey be completed and carefully inspected and approved by engineers and experts "before" any destruction begins.

Chef idea Mickey`=16 hours ago

What they are pitching Florida with in the end is a project that looks like it fitted Disney's California Adventure way more than it would WDW. "hello Grizzly Peak!" A Desert Land always seemed exciting for WDW for Florida doesn't have desert. If they replaced ROA with Route 66 and The neon lit Town of Radiator Spring's to me it would work itself well and better beside the old Frontierland landscape. Even if Radiator Spring's Racers was modified using a new different ride tech system for Florida to give it a unique experience than it's counterpart would the surrounding Ornament Valley went vastly amongst with Big Thunder Mountain's landscape edge. It would even create a barrier separating itself from Villains. Even if you parked the Liberty Bell it would define the charm of old town with along Route 66 and a Desert style ambience that brought something new to the park day and night. Giving something that is entirely outside isn't going to help wheras the town would at least offered more in and out advantages. We know how the original Cars Land looks in DCA and it would at least replace one landscape with another rather than something that you will always be reminded of the what was once there replaced by just just trees, land and a an artificial mountaintop.

Bocabear18 hours ago

I don't think it was designed to be a "poor imitation" but the larger grander aspirational vision of what parks could be like moving forward....and in many ways it was... I agree tyhe larger vistas and grander vision was key in this project with the "blessing of size". Sadly, they never got around to phase 2 before vision started shifting. This latest re-imagining of the center of the park is tough...they have the parks and property to add this addition to either another park, or another location... The Cars franchise does not even really fit into the thematic framework of the Magic Kingdom...even if it has rockwork and supposed water features galore. Looking at the concept art, it appears the road rally will be in the current riverbed... not sure how that will allow huge berms to block sight and sound from the current Liberty Square and Frontierland.... and when completed with a berm, the area is going to feel so completely different....and as mentioned...thos Grand Vistas will be gone.

lazyboy97o19 hours ago

One of the big hurdles that has long plagued the Magic Kingdom is this weird inferiority complex imposed upon it by others. It’s stigmatized as “the park that Walt didn’t build” when that describes all but one Disney park. Even Disney overstates Walt’s connection to the park to mask this shame even going so far as to fake images of Walt in the park. Despite the sudden conventional wisdom, the Magic Kingdom is not a poorly designed park and it was not a lesser park because Walt died so young. It wouldn’t be built today not because it doesn’t work but because its design philosophy is not cost effective. Disneyland is defined by the berm. More contemporary parks may not have the clear landscaped berm, but they still follow the idea of berm and place their major facilities along the perimeter for easy, cost effective service access. But the Magic Kingdom doesn’t really have a berm. Nor are its facilities organized around its perimeter. The Magic Kingdom is a park built around grand vistas, not just inside the park but also as you approach from across the Seven Seas Lagoon. The Rivers of America isn’t just water or a ride track or a playground. It’s a grand vistas around which two lands are organized. Frontierland and Liberty Square built around the more implied edge of the River and its sight lines, not the hard edges of a berm. Just shoving a square peg into a round whole and declaring it something different isn’t enough, even if it’s an amazing, artisanal, hand crafted square peg with rock work and water features galore. It’s the hemming of spaces designed for to work with the opposite. So much of the uniqueness and grandeur of the Magic Kingdom has been stripped away to try to make it more like the other Disneylands and fit into contemporary design practices. Even without Walt’s direct involvement it was still a unique and wonderful park that deserved to be treated as such, but has instead been viewed more and more as a weird aberration that didn’t understand that it was just supposed to be a poor imitation.

Chef idea Mickey`=19 hours ago

It was his his brother who pitched it in with others necessary. Walt was focused desired on furthering with his Florida Project being the Florida Project with Epcot not another Disneyland Park with resorts for that matter at that time.

lazyboy97o19 hours ago

The second park was known Disneyland East and used Disneyland as a placeholder, but he also said there wouldn’t be another Disneyland around the same time. His focus just wasn’t on the park.

danlb_200021 hours ago

Yes, the response is normally added to the permit site. I assume Disney will try to provide the minimum required to satisfy the request.

Incomudro22 hours ago

Yes, it's not a stretch to say that he very much knew and wanted his east coast park to be a representation of his west coast park. With the ability to be a whole lot more.

Sneaky22 hours ago

Tomorrowland will become a lake. It’s very wet in the future

HoustonHorn22 hours ago

"was" and "were" being the operative terms, unfortunately.

lazyboy97o23 hours ago

This is from “The EPCOT Film” and does not touch on Magic Kingdom. The park that would become the Magic Kingdom is only ever shown as a placeholder, a direct copy of Disneyland. The design and development of the Magic Kingdom is all well documented and it began after Walt’s death. Walt agreed to a second theme park and was part of its general siting at the north end of the property, but the particulars of its design were not started and by his own words didn’t really concern him. As Walt himself acknowledged, WED was an incredible team and they were able to deliver without him.

jeanericuser00123 hours ago