Latest look at Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Mar 09, 2023 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction - March 8 2023
Posted: Thursday March 9, 2023 9:41am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Here is the latest look at the progress on the former Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom as it is transformed into Tiana's Bayou Adventure.

Scaffolding is in position throughout the mountain for crews to access different areas of the structure.

As we have seen at the bottom of the main drop, sections of the mountain's rockwork are marked off, likely to be cut into.

The signage and characters have been removed at the former main entrance to Splash Mountain.

In the splash-down run-off, work continues on the guide track.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure will open at Magic Kingdom in late 2024.

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FettFan2 minutes ago

I’m sure they have him in the finale scene somewhere. Even the much-ballyhooed Ralphie The Drummer animatronic is kind of blink-and-you-miss-him.

mf19725 minutes ago

this made me think about how i always hoped they would give carousel of progress some tlc, but after watching this, now i hope they leave it alone.

Sirwalterraleigh19 minutes ago

TWDC not listening to their fans is the biggest reason for all the struggles they’re having They don’t want to believe it…and that…is why they’re failing

LindseyDisney25 minutes ago

I'm avoiding visual spoilers until my September trip. But with that said, knowing the story, I am disappointed Disney didn't do a retelling of Princess and the Frog—something similar to Frozen. Or! Imagine the Shadow Man, a formidable villain, returning from the Shadow realm with a vengeance. He's determined to disrupt the joyous party of the Princess and the Frog crew and scare her new friends (us). Alternatively, consider relocating the Princess and the Frog Ride from the Magic Kingdom to Epcot, adjacent to The Land Ride. This could be a fantastic opportunity to tie the Princess and the Frog ride with The Land, aligning with Disney's goal of incorporating more IP into Epcot and introducing a new attraction. This could be a dark boat ride, but keep it to the same story. But not having the Shadow Man and Prince Naveen missing (Is this true? Naveen is missing?) Seems like a wasted, wasted opportunity for Disney. This doesn't relate. But I was born in 1991 and have been visiting Disney since the 1990s. Only in 2015 or 2016 did I realize Splash Mountain was based on a Disney movie. I thought it was an original. I feel dumb.

Surferboy56725 minutes ago

Daytime POV

Joel30 minutes ago

It's funny how every story idea that's been tossed around here, going all the way back to when this was first announced, is better than what we ended up with. Reminds me of that William F. Buckley quote: "I would rather the parks be governed by the first 2,000 people in the WDWMAGIC user directory than by..." or however it goes.

Sirwalterraleigh32 minutes ago

Still maybe the greatest debate line ever

Communicora34 minutes ago

And all they have the Tiana AAs do is gesticulate and greet us. Why waste all of that budget and technology on that? Surely they could have figured out something for her to do other than just standing there waiting for us to ride by.

Sirwalterraleigh34 minutes ago

This 👆🏻 Couldn’t agree more. A bold company doesn’t deny history…they use it as a learning tool. You don’t treat your audience like innocent fools…you make them think. All companies have begun to mine the past for current grievances…to their economic detriment…Disney is becoming the poster child of how to really fail at this. It’s either they can no long read their own data?…or they’re tired of caring about it?

docnabox38 minutes ago

It has been a long time since I have posted on this site and it is is good to be back. After having watched the ride video, I wanted to log on here and see what people were saying. Good to know that I am not the only one that is underwhelmed. They had to know with all the controversy behind closing Splash, this retheme would be heavily scrutinized and would be considered a failure by many if it did not live up to or surpass what it was replacing. IMO, they not only did not live up to it, they failed miserably for the reasons shared by so many already. The comments on Youtube are brutal. Maybe it is because I had been reading some political news before I watched the video but the entire time I was watchig it, there was one exchange in a political debate that kept running through my head. To paraphrase Lloyd Benson responding to Dan Quayle in a Vice Presidential debate all those years ago: Sir, I knew Splash Mountain, Splash Mountain was a friend of mine. Sir, you are no Splash Mountain.

Sirwalterraleigh42 minutes ago

That was foolish all along. It’s like saying tower was essentially the same as the demon drop at cedar point… Splash was WDI. There are ride systems that creates a mystique for Disney far beyond the 5-10 minutes someone spent on it on a given day…the “how did they come up with this?” Places. Splash is one of those. I’d argue the best. And it was not about the thrill parts. Quintessential Disney is splash. Haunted mansion…pirates…20K and the Matterhorn…horizons…tower…kilamanjaro… Nobody else would ever try it because there’s no point. They just took one out that never needed to be touched. It’s a ridiculous unforced error. Just another in a long list of failed management ideas from a group that tells their investors they get to tell the customers what they want instead of studying what they want. The list is getting long and distinguished.

Sirwalterraleigh51 minutes ago

100%… Since when has this management EVER been quiet on something they could try to pump for cheap publicity/cash? That was the canary in this salt mine

Henry Mystic58 minutes ago

My thoughts exactly. It would just feel so natural. The way it is now feels so forced.

Surferboy5671 hour ago

This would of worked a lot better. It’s such an obvious choice I’m surprised they didn’t go for it. The only reasonable explanation is they didn’t want to offend anyone and we scared Voodoo would do that. It’s a real shame we had to go for the safe story since no one could possibly be offended by the story we got.