Taller construction walls go up around Tiana's Bayou Adventure at the former Splash Mountain attraction

Jan 25, 2023 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction walls - January 25 2023
Posted: Wednesday January 25, 2023 10:01am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The construction walls surrounding the former Splash Mountain attraction at Magic Kingdom have been replaced with taller walls to further restrict the view into the construction site of Tiana's Bayou Adventure.

Walls went up overnight following the closure of Splash Mountain, but in some places were only a few feet tall. The new walls are the full 8ft tall height.

The Briar Patch gift shop remains closed and free of walls, with signage still in place.

The restrooms near the former Splash Mountain exit remain open as normal, accessed with a narrow walkway between construction walls.

On the ride itself, the water is fully drained, and the logs have been removed.

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JohnD2 minutes ago

I tried watching his video but he has his own music overlayed on top of the actual audio in the ride. Probably for copyright or something. I finally had to quit watching. Was hoping for another 3rd party video. This ain't it.

Trauma3 minutes ago

What we can finally see with our own eyes today, is nothing short of a travesty. Disney can’t hide behind their crap co-op storyline nonsense to confuse everyone. We can see it and it’s BAD. The Tokyo version should absolutely be preserved. I think we will see more and more Stateside Disney fans traveling to Tokyo, as the parks here continue their descent into mediocrity.

LittleBuford3 minutes ago

The things posted on the board could (and should) look a lot better than they do.

Midwest Elitist4 minutes ago

Because the ride stands on it's own. The movie? Banned. The merch? Now banned. It's unkillable, and they blew it massively.

yensidtlaw19696 minutes ago

Tiana is throwing a party at her home for the city of New Orleans - Tiana's Foods is catering. I mean, it's a Cork Board. What should it look like?

JoeCamel8 minutes ago

Only Joe can answer that question with his years of experience, glad he is consulting with the company again

Coaster Lover8 minutes ago

Really makes you appreciate how perfectly set-up the drop was in the original ride... the fun and frivolous laughing place transitioning into the warning (using the same song in a minor tone), then the ominous vultures, the "don't throw me into the briar patch" reverse psychology, then the jubilant escape with the zip-a-dee-do-da music... it really was a brilliant sequence...

Bonza8429 minutes ago

most of you guys were always going to hate this ride, this is a very miserable thread lol

GenChi12 minutes ago

They have not approved any merch with the characters since 2020 and Tokyo has not had any new arrivals since that time and had to fill their store with other critter merch. It's a worldwide approval ban, where any new plans with the characters (new merch in Tokyo, music usage outside the ride, the Dutch comics, a planned rerelease of the newspaper strips) isn't approved or allowed. Still hasn't forced the hand years later.

monothingie13 minutes ago

Imagineering taking a well deserved victory lap.

CSJORDAN14 minutes ago

Such a shame My mom and I both watched the POV (I watched twice, her once). It looks visually fine, and the music is good. But, the rest is a mess. The story is not cohesive (whatever story is there). There is no conflict or buildup to the main event (the drop). Biggest issue for us though, is that this is not a fitting ride for the PATF film. It deserved so much better: has one of the best villains to translate to an attraction, many interesting characters, and scenes that would visually translate well to a ride. Unfortunately, they did none of this.

LittleBuford16 minutes ago

As I said earlier, I’m not of the opinion that good storytelling is beyond the capabilities of today’s Imagineers. I’m trying to keep my criticisms specific.

AdventureHasAName17 minutes ago

Please tell me all the big deal nonsense they made out of the research into Lousiana salt mines wasn't so they could hang a sign on the wall of the queue that said "salt mines" and have that explain why the Splash Mountain queue is unchanged in areas.

Professortango117 minutes ago

I think assignments can work as well. Convert Splash to a Tiana attraction is doable enough where many were positive about the idea beforehand. Even with the mandate that they want to avoid Facilier and make it a sequel could still yield positive results. But a plotline to a major E-ticket being...gathering musicians? And then to not even have the musicians found in unique and interesting ways, but to be already jamming out? The music also really perplexes me as I am but a humble fan and lay person yet I easily understood the underscore growing into musical numbers aspect of the original design and yet these has pre-established tracks simply dropped in where they fit best. Did they not have the money to record a new ride score? Or have any of the new characters singing? A random gator sang to me to take him along on my journey previously. Possums serenaded me from above. A rabbit family and possum family held each other close and told their children the horrors that awaited Brer Rabbit. Two vultures taunted us before our fall. And we still had plenty of silent fun characters like a Racoon with Harmonica and Porcupine playing a turtle shell and a full chorus of gospel animals celebrating Brer Rabbit's victory and lesson learned. Now....we have Tiana, Louis, and Mama Odie talking to us. That's it. 3 characters who have unique voices, and most of the time those unique voices are spouting generic dialogue instead of singing or saying something interesting. As someone else pointed out, the whole thing lacks urgency. Splash's design asks very basic questions...what do the drops mean. The first one was the drop into the world of Brer Rabbit, now its a drop into the world of Tiana. Except we already saw her and Louis outside. The second drop was dropping into a different tone and world, seeing Brer Rabbit being mischievous and suffering for it. Now, we are changing into small selves to find more musicians. So what we did in the first part of the ride, but doing it again without any change to the emotion or structure of our adventure. Which leads us to lift and third drop. The climax of the attraction. The original had this be the result of Brer Rabbit's attitude in the previous scene. He was in trouble. WE are in trouble. We are heading up high and Brer Rabbit is tricking Brer Fox to toss him from this height into a break of sharp thorns. Now, Odie has decided we were small long enough and I'm not sure if the lift hill is supposed to be us getting bigger at a slow pace and then we see her and we take a short cut down a cliff. Why? Are we late? There hasn't been urgency so far. And the drop ends with a passive cool-down section, so there's no urgency after the drop. The lack of answers to what the drops do for our story seems to lay at the feet of imagineers. They didn't understand how the 3-act story fit into this ride with 3 drops.