New guest walkway opens at Tiana's Bayou Adventure in Magic Kingdom

Dec 19, 2023 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Tiana's Bayou Adventure - walkway open - December 18 2023
Posted: Tuesday December 19, 2023 9:24am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The new walkway alongside the queue for Tiana's Bayou Adventure is now open to guests at Magic Kingdom.

The walkway connects the train station entrance to the restrooms adjacent to the outdoor queue at Tiana's Bayou Adventure.

The old solid red concrete path has been replaced with pavers and iron fencing.

With this new section now open, the other side of the walkway under the train station has been closed off for work to begin.

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easyrowrdw8 minutes ago

Yup. It didn't hurt, but I got quite wet. Honestly, I thought it was funny. It didn't happen the next time I rode, but I was ready for it just in case lol

Raineman16 minutes ago

In the side of the head? Ouch. They're gonna have to fix that quickly, or there will be alot of Disney Karens fuming as they get off the ride lol

easyrowrdw34 minutes ago

Construction related stuff... There were a couple things that seemed to be wrong (each on a different ride). Something was off on one of the water jets. One of them shot me right in the side of the head 😂 One time there were no special lights on the way up the last hill. You just had a little bit of mist/smoke coming out of the sides. It's way better with the lighting.

easyrowrdw43 minutes ago

I was able to ride Tiana's more than once during the AP previews (I feel very lucky). I'd read some of the comments here, but had not watched any videos before riding. Good things: Everything looks great. The animatronics are impressive and the music is fun. The lighting in the different cave areas was quite lovely. The lush environments are a nice change from the more barren (but appropriate) design of Splash. It's not a mountain anymore, but there are still plenty of splashes. I thought one of the lighting effects was really cool and caught me by surprise. Criticisms: The story of looking for musicians and finding them in different places felt repetitive. All the critters just play music so there's not much variety in what they're doing. There isn't much happening for first few minutes of Splash anyway so Tiana's actually seemed to use more of the ride length for story. I think I just wished there was more variety in what was happening along the way. I wish more characters would've been involved before the end of the ride. Questions: What is the deal with the armadillo? He's around a few times looking perturbed or something, but I don't why. What does the food co-op have to do with the ride? Salt mines? This is way more thought than I ever put into analyzing Splash Mountain. I had no prior connection to those characters and basically just enjoyed that ride. I enjoyed this one too. I think it's just burdened by being a replacement.

wdwmagic4 hours ago

Here is a detailed photo ride through of Tiana's Bayou Adventure. Tiana's Bayou Adventure Ride Through

EagleScout61023 hours ago

Bocabear23 hours ago

in the first scene past "How Do You Do" we see the bear and fox watching Bre'r Rabbit standing out in front of his Briar Patch home that he has just closed because he has "Gotta Be Movin' Along"...he is leaving his home in search of something better....So yes, it is pretty clear that he lives in a Briar Patch and it leaving it for adventure... it is not a single line of dialogue...he is literally standing in front of the Briar patch leaving with a bg of his belongings... I think the bunnies mention something about that too...It is not hard to follow or a hidden story unless people pay absolutely no attention to what is going on around them...and I have seen plenty of people talk through the whole ride and are not aware of anything more than pretty colors and they are in a boat....

flynnibus1 day ago

There is a lot of space between breadcrumbs... and 'plainly obvious'. Just because something was there - doesn't make it obvious or digestible to casual riders. Is a casual rider supposed to know when they pass that scene that these specific elements are key facts.. vs just environmental things? You gotta evaluate things through the lens of the audience - not a superfan with all the information laid out in front of you with full context and reference. I mean when people rely on a SINGLE line of dialogue... you're assuming someone could actually hear it, that the person wasn't distracted, and that the person was aware enough to focus in on that. Usually repetition is used to help solidify a key point like that when you are dealing with short exposures... or you may hear a song use chorus to repeat things.. vs a single verse. TLDR - don't take "I didn't follow the story" to just mean "the story wasn't told!!!" ... it means the audience wasn't able to pick up on all of it... even if the elements were there.

Mireille1 day ago

Reynard the fox is another one from medieval French (and German/English/Dutch, but I know him from French) folklore. Hence, "sly as a fox."

MickeyLuv'r1 day ago

YES! Anansi is another classic trickster character.

EricsBiscuit1 day ago

Yeah the screens look very sharp and well done. There’s also enough in the Laughing Place scene with the frogs and jumping water to where, if you don’t want to look at the screens, you don’t have to.

SilentWindODoom1 day ago

Wow! That really is a huge glitch in the system if animatronics from the Norway Pavillion are suddenly showing up! It's the prevalence of comments like this that make me feel like this may be true, not an attempt at goalpost-moving as the dismissive charge was levied. I only know the stories of Br'er Rabbit from this ride and learned the most about him from Defunctland's video on the original flume based on them. I don't know how often they're taught. My introduction to the term "trickster" and my frame of reference for the trope before meeting Loki was this book from childhood:

Brer Oswald1 day ago

He also sings the line "I've had enough of this old Briar Patch". The ride gave you more than enough to clue in to what was going on. The left was up to the rider.

BrerFoxesBayouAdventure1 day ago

That's interesting because he's shown living in the briar patch in the first scene.