More scaffolding removed from Tiana's Bayou Adventure at Walt Disney World

Jan 11, 2024 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction - January 10 2024
Posted: Thursday January 11, 2024 3:45pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Scaffolding continues to be removed late this week as work on the exterior of Tiana's Bayou Adventure at Walt Disney World appears to be in the final phases.

Crews were busy removing sections of scaffolding earlier in the week, and in these pieces, we get a much clearer look at the extensive landscaping that has been added to the former Splash Mountain.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure replaces Splash Mountain with a planned opening in 2024 at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

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BrerFoxesBayouAdventureLess than a minute ago

There's another one to the left of the log but it's not focused on for some reason.

aladdin20073 minutes ago

the frog playing the musical petal in the former laughing place,,,there should have been a whole bunch of those through there, why just one?? its like they got tired and gave up.

mightynine3 minutes ago

Bottom two look like a poor attempt to copy the style of the top. Honestly, bottom two look more like a simple animation you’d see in an anime when the style switches abruptly.

Carnotaurus Understudy14 minutes ago

If there's a silver lining to this disappointment: there has been more good-faith criticism of TBA in one day than there has been in the years since it was announced.

monothingie14 minutes ago

They don’t want to get Mufasa’d again.

UNCgolf17 minutes ago

I mean, they're vaguely similar, but not really close enough that I look at it and think they're specifically trying to evoke the same style. More importantly, essentially everything else about the style of the poster is off too, even if I conceded that the figures themselves were identical. I don't even hate the ride -- I think it's a clear downgrade from Splash, but I never expected it to be as good (that's an incredibly high bar) and I'm judging it independently of what existed before (or at least attempting to). It would be a decent addition as a new build and is better than some of Disney's other recent attractions. I'm just disappointed, both because most of the recent information had me relatively excited (I thought it was going to be clearly better than Frozen Journey and Beauty and the Beast in Tokyo) and because there are so many easily fixable issues.

dig311dug17 minutes ago

I can't believe disney hasn't turned off comments on the video...

McMickeyWorld17 minutes ago


enchantedteacup218 minutes ago

did they use less experienced imagineers and artists for this? it just seems like such a bungle resource and story wise for something with a lot of promise. PatF is an amazing story with rich characters , scenery and a perfect villain. also what’s with her wearing safari clothes?

monothingie20 minutes ago

I was personally looking forward to a sign from HR referencing the upcoming changes to the coop’s healthcare plans as well as 401K enrollment dates.

yensidtlaw196922 minutes ago

You really don't see how the humans are stylized in the same fashion? The shapes of the faces, the eyes, the mouths, even the slopes of the shoulders? Again, one is rendered as a faux-linocut and the other two are faux-silkscreens, but come on. The stylization of the people is totally related.

Homemade Imagineering23 minutes ago

I too feel betrayed by this whole situation. When this was announced I was skeptical it would ever top SM, seeing Disney’s track record isn’t great when it comes to these things. Over time insiders on here such as Merlin really convinced me this would be something spectacular, and I wanted to believe it all because I had to accept the fact SM was no more and nothing could ever save it aside from a stellar replacement. I ignored alot of the naysayers, and it was hard to listen to anyone else because some people wanted to push their own agendas against the retheme without giving any constructive criticism. It became severely exhausting, especially when this is one of the only brand new offerings being developed for the parks right now. I had high expectations because this NEEDED to exceed what it’s replacing. Anything short of SM automatically classifies this whole endeavor as a colossal waste of time/capital and a huge disappointment. In the end I became excited and passionate about this attraction, I followed along with every update anticipating something groundbreaking, and was left with a product that was incredibly underwhelming, confusing, and empty. I really wanted this to succeed, I’m sick of mediocrity being the new standard

UNCgolf27 minutes ago

I still don't see it even in what you've posted here. It's really not the same style. I'm certainly willing to believe that's what they were attempting to do, but if so, they unfortunately failed.

Casper Gutman28 minutes ago

The upper image evokes the Harlem Renaissance. The lower image, especially the one on the right, is very clearly from the 60s (or later). There is no equivalence.